Friday, November 20, 2015


I think friction happens because not all surfaces are flat/smooth. I think that one surface that has more friction with shoes is a muddy area. I don't think it's very easy to go through a muddy area with any kind of shoes mostly because it's not all flat, and the mud might contain small rocks that create an unstable and unflattened surface.

Free Body Diagrams

This picture represents an egg falling from a nest. The only force that is being applied on the egg is gravity, which attracts the egg to the center of the earth from its center of mass. The box represents the egg falling, and the arrow represents the force that is being put to the egg. The force shown is "Fg" which is gravitational force which represents gravity. This is the force that attracts everything to the center of the earth, but it's possible that it only occurs on earth.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

These two pictures demonstrate a balanced and unbalanced force while pulling a rope. In the image on top, there is a balanced force because there is an equal amount (300N and 300N) of pulling force from each side. On the other hand, the picture on the bottom is an unbalanced force because in one side there are 400N of force to the left and 300N of force to the right, if this was tu be subtracted we would be left with 100N more force to the left. Whig makes it unbalanced.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Vectors and Scalar

Scalar and Vector quantities are different because scalar has to do with speed and vector has to do with velocity. An example of scalar can be that I walked 8 meters. On the other hand, vector includes magnitudes, so an example of a vector can be I walked 8 meters East.

Four Forces

One of the forces is applied force. This force happens when force is applied to an object in matter of pushing or pulling.
For example: Everyday I pull my chair in order to sit down. My force is pulling the chair making it move. Another force is gravitational force. This force happens when there is no contact but two objects are attracted to each other. For example: I was holding a book with one hand, omce I opened it, the book fell in the floor. The book was being attracted to the center of the earth. A third force would be normal force. This force happens when something is holding an object and keepingit from reaching a lover level like the ground. For example: I hold a pencil in my hand. My hand is holding the pencil, and keeping it from falling to the ground. The last force, is tension force. This force happens when there is contact with ropes cables or something used to pull without having direct contact with an object. For example: I tied a string to the door and the other end I tied it on my nieces tooth, once I slammed the door her tooth came off. The door made tension force with my nieces tooth.