Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Distance vs. Displacement

Distance is how far the total amount the object or thing has gone. Displacement is how far away from the starting position something is. Today, I walked .5 miles to my school in the morning, and then walked .5 more miles in the afternoon to get back home, my total walking distance was 1 mile. Today I had borrowed a notebook from a student that seats 4 meters away from me, but then I had to pass to a student that was around 1 meter closer to the owner, at the end, the notebook had 3 meters of displacement.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Barbie Bungee Date Estimate

If I had about two meters drop of distance with 8 rubber bands, I think that the distance that the Barbie will reach with 10 rubber bands will be around 250 cm, if by each drop the distance would be 25 cm. Using that same pattern, if I had 20 rubber bands, the distance would be around 500 cm, which will be at least 5 meters. And probably the same process will follow with 30 rubber bands, there would be an estimate of around 750 cm, about 7.5 meters in total. This is because if for each rubber band there was a drop of 25 meters, and 25 times 30 would be 750 cm.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Metric Units

In Science Class we use the metric units because it's easier to identify and simplify than the english units. A dice, is 16 mm. Which means it's much smaller than a pencil, which is 14 cm, because centimeters are .01, and mm are .001. On the other hand, the front of my house is 10 feets long, using the english units, but if metric units are used, it would be 
0.003048 in km.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Estimanting Distances

The front of my house is about 18.5 meters. First, I got a long piece of ribbon, which was about .5 meters. Then, I started placing the ribbon in front of my house, until I had covered the whole front of my house. After, I multiplied how many times I had placed my ribbon by two, in irder to make each number a meter. I would say this is a reasonable estimate because it seems like a very close estimate to what the actually lenght of the front of my house is.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Reaction Time

Reaction time is the amount of time some people take to actually react to certain situation or signal. One example from my own life would be, this one day that I was on the car with my parents, my mom was texting, and the car in front of us had already hitted the brake because the light was red, but my mom took very long to realize, so she got really close to the car, and not until she heard that she had hitted the car in front of us, slightly, she reacted and noticed what had happened. Second time, I was riding my roller blades, and I saw that there was a crowd, but I forgot to stop and bumped into them, my reaction time was way off, mostly because I was on my phone. The third time, I was walking by the park with one of my friends, and some random kid was riding his scooter, he was coming my way, but since he was kind of distracted, he almost bunped into me, thank god I took action and moved away before anything had happened.