Thursday, February 25, 2016


This is from my christmas tree lights.
This is from my tv cable box.
This is from my outdoor water fountain.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Circuit Diagram

I believe that the idea of symbols is a way that we could represent something without words. I think we use symbols for a circuit diagram mostly to represent without words as well because it's a diagram. We want to express a drawing without using words. I think that using symbols helps us understand the object we are talking about easier, for example a light bulb is mostly shown as a circle and a wire inside of it, because that's how light bulbs are. Something that is kind of hard is understanding what some of the symbols mean. Some people don't know what some symbols might mean, for example resistors. Resistors are just triangle lines, no one knows what it is until it is explained unlike a light bulb or a switch.

Pretzel Circuit

I was absent this day because I had an appointment, but I will answer this to the best of my ability.
As I was told, the pretzels represented volts, and the students represented the electrons. The pretzel bag was the battery. I was also told that in the series circuit, you got two pretzels and you had to give one to one light bulb and the other one to the other light bulb. But for the parallel circuit, you got to choose which light bulb you would give 2 pretzels to.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

No Wires World

If I lived in a world where electricity doesn't need to flow through wires to light things up or make things work, I think it would be a really dangerous world. I would definitely name this world Free-Flow. One cool thing would be that there would be negative charge in every conductor, I think this would be cool because think about the pain your friends would go through everytime they touched sonething. But one horrible thing that could happen while this electricity flows everywhere must be the idea of getting shocked every 0.001 seconds. Water would eventually come in contact with this electricity and most of the world could definitely burn down.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Electricity So Far

Electricity is composed of equal positive, negative, and neutral charge. Electricity is very important for humanity because nowadays we use a lot of electronic devices. We also need electricity for such things as stoves, lights, and any tools that we need that require electricity. I'm getting better at understanding circuits and I think it's very important to know this because if one time the electricity goes out we at least know a base to start with in order to fix the problem.

Electric Vocabulary

Based on my knowledge about electricity, I believe it's a very fun topic to talk about and it's also very important for the human use. Electricity is made up of several things. It all starts in a nucleus, where atoms such neutrons (neutral charge) and protons (positive charge) are located. This nucleus is surrounded by electrons, which is actually negative charge. Electricity flows through conductors. Conductors are actually made up materials that allow electrons (negative charge) to flow through freely. Electricity does not flow through insulators, the electrons just sit there. For example a balloon; a balloon is an insulator because once the static energy has reached the object it just sits there and attracts positively charged objects.