Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Van De Graaff

Today in class as we used the Van De Graff object, I noticed myself very intrigated into the things that were going on. First thing I noticed was how the electricity was moving throughout these objects. It went from the electricity plug, to the cables that connected to the machine, this electricity traveled through a belt and the electrons from this belt were given to a piece of metal that gave the electricity to the giant metal ball. When a conductor was near this giant ball negative energy {electricity} was released to this object. I think that the physics behind this process is how the neutrons flow from the electricity all the way to this ball and it is released to other objects while being visible as well.

Insulators and Conductors

Today, I came accross a few conductors and insulators. One of the insulators was a cup made out of glass. This glass is an insulator because it blocks in the flow of electricity. One of the conductors I came accross with today was the water inside my glass. The water is actually a conductor because electricity flows through it easily in difference with the conductors. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Electric Light

Today in class we did an activity to light up a light bulb with a battery, light bulb, and a wire. We had to place one part of the wire connected to one side of the battery, and the light bulb to the other side of the battery, then the other end of the wire (the one that it's not connected to the battery) needs to be connected to the metal part of the light bulb. I think the electricity worked by sending energy from the battery through the wires until it reached the light bulb and it lit up.