Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Inertia Investigation

Three instances that I have experienced inertia in my life have been;
-Kicking a rock; when I kicked the rock, it just moved a couple of inches because of the forve that had been exerted to it from my foot. Then it stopped, and didn't move anymore. This is inertia because as we might already know, anything that is at rest likes to stay at rest. 
-Playing soccer; one time I was playing soccer and I kicked the soccer ball to the goalie in order to make a goal, once I kicked the ball, it kept moving until it was stopped by the goalies' hands.
-Rollerblades; this one time while riding rollerblades, I was going by a hill, at this instance I was going faster and faster, until I used the brakes and they slowed down little by little.