Thursday, April 7, 2016

Doppler Radar

A doppler radar is a machine used by weather people such as the ones in the news. This machine sends waves that collide with other waves in the outer areas, sending waves back to inform what's going on. If the waves sent by the doppler radar send back some kind of wave, the doppler catches that information. With that information is how we predict if it's going to rain or snow.


Constructive interference is when the crest of a wave is super positioned with the crest of another wave (or trough with trough). Destructive interference is when the crest of a wave is super positioned with the trough of another wave. An example of both would be sound waves. We can tell that it's constructive interference when the sound is louder and when it's destructive the sound gets quieter.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Standing Waves

In today's class, we learned about standing waves. We learned that waves happen with a frequency, and that standing waves are just a pattern of waves. I also learned that the top a wave is called the crest and the bottom of the wave is called a trough. So after learning a few of these things, we did a lab. In this lab we used a slinky as the "wave" and there was a student at each side of the slinky. One of the students added force into the slinky to make the waves. 

No Effect

In my life, I always thought that beauty was everything. That if one wasn't beautiful, you wouldn't be anyone. That's just what society made me think. I always thought that people wouldn't want to talk to me because I was different to everyone else. But then, I realized that it wasn't like that. I realized that beauty was nothing important, and what's inside all that matters. I've made so many friends in such a short period of time, and that makes me more confident.

Simple Harmonic Motion

You would know how sonething is a harmonic motion if the object moves up or down/ side to side and changes from Kinetic energy to Potential energy without adding anymore force. One example of harmonic motion that I've seen today have been the lucky cat. This cat is a harmonic motion because its paw moves up and down at a constant rate without any force been added. Another example of a harmonic motion that I've seen today  was the washer in the string in today's lab. This is harmonic because it moves from side to side changing from kinetic energy to potential energy constantly. Another harmonic motion object I saw today was a slinky. This slinky is a harmonic motion object because once you let some of it go, and hold it in the air, the spring moves up and down changing from kinetic to potential energy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Electricity Generator

The generatir I'm mostly interested in is the wind power generator. I choose this generator because it is a very clean way of producing energy. I find this interesting because of the quick and easy way such an important thing so easily and quick. This wind power generator makes energy by using a large turbine that usually has propellers. This turbine can be used with the wind and produce mechanical power. This wind power generator is one of the best forms because besides being clean and keeping the environment clear, it is also renewable. Meaning it would never run out. But, the only bad thing about this form is that this is not on demand. This isn't really much of a problem because it can actually be put on demand if the right people are found.